Showing posts with label sc13. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sc13. Show all posts

Thursday 18 July 2013

An early blog about SC13 Denver - just for fun ...

As SC13 registration opens this week, it occurs to me both how far away SC13 is (a whole summer and several months after that) but also how close SC13 is (only a summer and a month or two). It got me thinking how far ahead people plan for SC. I have heard of people who book hotels for the next SC as soon as they home from the previous SC (to secure the best deal/hotel/etc.). I have also heard stories of those who still have not booked flights only days before SC.

So, just for fun - how far ahead do you plan your travel for SC? Are you the kind of HPC person who books SC13 as soon as SC12 has ended? Or do you leave SC13 travel booking until a week or two before SC13? Of course, it may not be up to you - many attendees need to get travel authority etc. and this is often hard to get a long time in advance.

Please complete the survey here -

Once I have enough reponses, I will write another blog revealing the results.


[PS - this survey is not on behalf of, or affiliated with, either the SC13 organisers or anyone else - it's just a curiosity and to share in a blog later.]